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Ian MacKaye:
Sponsored By AB Lectures
Date Tuesday, 3/7
Time 7:30 PM
Location Doherty Hall 2210
Price FREE!!!
Running Time 2 hours.
Summary The lecture is free and open to the public, no tickets are necessary. If Iggy Pop is the godfather of punk, then the godfather of hardcore would have to be Ian MacKaye. Few other musicians have stuck to their guns for as long as MacKaye has — most obviously with his refusal to sign with a major record label, as well as living a clean and sober (aka "straight-edge") lifestyle. As well as being the founder of Dischord Records, MacKaye played bass guitar in The Teen Idles, was the lead singer for Minor Threat and Embrace, and presently plays guitar and sings with Fugazi and The Evens. MacKaye has also worked with a few smaller bands on the side over the years, including Egg Hunt, Skewbald/Grand Union, and Pailhead, a collaboration between MacKaye and Al Jourgensen of the industrial band Ministry. He currently sings and plays baritone guitar in the band The Evens with the drummer and vocalist Amy Farina of the Warmers.
